Document Migration to Mobius ViewDirect

November 22, 2004

Data Strategies Interchange today announced the successful completion of large scale document migration to Mobius ViewDirect projects in the last quarter of 2004.

The first project consisted the migration of the contents of a legacy document image archive (Eastman Software) to the Mobius ViewDirect document management system. This process involved the extraction of over 4.6 million documents for a total of 14.6 million pages and their conversion from TIFF to PDF files ready to be imported into the target archive. The source media (5.25″ optical WORM platters) was processed in our secure Houston facility and the converted data was delivered to the Customer on high capacity tapes.

The second project, performed for a leading provider of document management solutions, successfully migrated the contents of a legacy Microbank StorQM archive (line-data reports) to Mobius ViewDirect document management archive. Data Strategies’ data migration process delivered the converted reports on IBM Standard Label tapes and generated the JCL files with the InfoPack data needed to ingest the data into the target system.

The migrations were performed at Data Strategies’ secure facility in Houston, TX using its proven off-line document migration platform. Offline migration is a process where DSI performs the migration optimized for best performance independent of end client’s hardware and without hindrance to their daily activities.

Further information about DSI’s document archive migration services can be found here.


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