MediaGenie Initiator

MediaGenie Initiator module of the MediaGenie Suite supports the following functions:

New media initialization and verification

The tape initialization consists of writing one or more short data blocks to tape, which constitute the tape label. In addition of using predefined standard labels (ANSI, IBM, ISO, etc.), the user can define (through the GUI) reusable custom tape labels. Volume Serial Number (VOLSER) sequences can be defined in a number of ways for flexibility and ease of use. The user can specify an optional verification pass following the initialization, in which the VOLSER from the internal tape label is compared with the one from the external tri-optic barcode label.

In-use media verification

The internal tape label is read, its format is verified, and its VOLSER is compared with the one from the tri-optic barcode label.

Erase and initialize

The tape is erased, followed by an optional new tape label generation.


The tape is spooled to End-of-Tape and rewound.