Dell EMC NetWorker to CommVault Simpana

October 14, 2013

Dell EMC NetworkerDSI Europe S.r.l. today announced the successful completion of a large on-site Dell EMC NetWorker migration of backup data project in Northern Italy.

The project was performed in support of CommVault’s professional services. The customer, a large supplier of wholesale groceries and services to grocery stores, had been using Dell EMC NetWorker and a NetApp VTL appliance for its backup needs and wanted to move to a new platform based on CommVault Simpana 10 software and EMC DataDomain storage with deduplication.

Data Strategies worked closely with CommVault and the customer to design the target archive and define the mapping of the structure of the legacy archive into the structure of the new one. This was a pre-requisite for the full automation of the migration process.

The project involved the migration of 7.2 Terabytes of data comprising 624 backup save sets with over 204 million files. The over 200 Terabytes of legacy backup data were filtered using a set of customer specified rules involving client, data type, backup time, and retention.

The Dell EMC NetWorker migration was performed using Data Strategies’ proven off-line backup data migration process and platform MediaGenie Proteus. MediaGenie Proteus supported backup products include: NetWorker, NetBackup, TSM, Simpana, BackupExec, ArchServ, DataProtector, etc. Specific support for backups of NAS filers such as NetApp, EMC Celerra, EMC Isilon, etc. is also available.

Further information about DSI’s backup data migration services can be found here.


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